十三個月生日快樂!Janet's 13 months old birthday!

20081216 雪雪十三個月大003


Today is Janet's 13 months old birthday. There is a big house cleaning here, we are not going to have celebration most likely. As it is a special day, and I will make a little record for her.

Till last night, Janet has already took her first little step, she can eat with fork, has 6 teeth, sleeping with her face down, would turn on the music box to help herself sleeping again if she wakes up during midnight. She likes flipping pages of books, able to say, "papa (dad), mama (mum), gege (sister), gogo (brother), gunggung (grandpa), popo (grandma), yeiyei (grandpa) and gaaigaai (street). Janet loves taking bath, teddy and throwing stuff. She feels exciting when hear sound of plastic bag. Janet's classic motion is "starfish" (stick on the floor with her face down).

20081203 雪雪五體頭地相009


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